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Workplace Unconscious Bias Encountered by Women

Unconscious Bias - Transgender Community

This micro video lesson highlights the discriminatory nature of dress codes that can disregard the diversity of gender expression.
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Discriminatory Dress Codes: Unveiling Inequitable Norms

Through this micro video lesson, we understand about the diversity that exists within the transgender community.
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Understanding the Difference between the Transgender and Hijra Communities

The Micro-video lesson we delve into the challenges faced by transgender individuals when it comes to expressing their identity.
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Challenges of Gender Expression

In this micro lesson, we will understand the harmful and pervasive stigma surrounding transgender individuals.
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Breaking Down Transphobia: Understanding the Harmful Stigma Surrounding Transgender Individuals

This micro video lesson highlights the stereotypes and discrimination of assigning tasks based on a person's gender.
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Intrusive Assumptions - A Transman's Struggle

This micro-video lesson reveals a deeper issue that many transgender individuals face, the pressure to conform to societal expectations and stereotypes.
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Challenges of Gender Expression

This microlesson addresses the gender stereotypes faced by women, including transgender women, at the workplace.
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Redefining Roles and Opportunities in the Workplace for a Transwoman

In this micro-video lesson, we understand the biases and ridicule transgender individuals experience when they do not conform to societal gender norms.
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Respecting Boundaries: The Importance of Personal Comfort for Transgender Individuals

In this micro video lesson, we shed light on the bullying and discrimination trans employees encounter in the workplace.
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Lesson Name - Respecting Personal Boundaries of Transgender Individuals in the Workplace

In this micro-video lesson we see how transgender employees face understanding and acceptance barriers, hindering relationships and causing isolation, anxiety, and potential discrimination in the workplace.
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Silenced Voices: A Transgender Manager's Struggle with Workplace Disrespect

In this Micro-video lesson we de-bunk the myth that to be an ally one does not have to be LGBTQ+
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Debunking the myth that Allies are LGBTQ+

In this micro-video lesson, the damaging discrimination is highlighted as a transgender person is wrongly perceived as contagious.
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The Harmful Reality of Trans Discrimination

Poverty donation campaign

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Aliqua ratione? Quis id cubilia tempor! Sint quod, perspiciatis voluptatem est pulvinar, tristique, illo, dignissim suspendisse veniam accusamus, maecenas dignissimos quasi euismod aute, ridiculus! Diamlorem molestiae, cras? Feugiat dolorem tempore, morbi minima occaecat, do magni, reiciendis laudantium venenatis laborum nibh. Temporibus accusantium, ullamco, eum corrupti iure posuere! Deleniti laudantium gravida distinctio minus, etiam omnis purus fermentum. Donec? Scelerisque iste expedita, anim taciti pariatur lacus. Scelerisque iste expedita, anim taciti pariatur lacu. 

Mus vulputate ratione volutpat fames aliqua, convallis esse animi habitasse delectus, exercitation nobis tellus! Placeat eius est accusamus delectus nascetur! Aptent arcu ridiculus integer. Scelerisque iste expedita, anim taciti pariatur lacu accusamus

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Aliqua ratione? Quis id cubilia tempor! Sint quod, perspiciatis voluptatem est pulvinar, tristique, illo, dignissim suspendisse veniam accusamus, maecenas dignissimos quasi euismod aute, ridiculus! Diamlorem molestiae, cras.

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